Wednesday 24 August 2011

Rob's First Ramble.

I've been thinking about starting a blog for some time now and finally got round to it. So to kick off these ramblings here's a little about me. I' m a thirty-something (just about) father of two who just likes to write - short stories, life writing, reviews - anything really. My top fictional books are the classic gothic tales by authors such as M R James and Algernon Blackwood and fantasy/ science fiction writers  - Jack Vance's Lyonesse series is a particular favourite. I also enjoy the work of humourists and would like to get round to reading some P J Wodehouse one day.

  When I'm not scribbling , I'm often changing nappies but I have been known to indulge in cycling and gardening (not in that order) and I've just finished an OU degree. I also dabble in a spot of cooking and would like to graduate beyond Sharwoods' sauces.

Best wishes

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