Sunday 4 March 2012

Tying the knot

There was an article on the BBC website about ties, apparently school kids are now showing a new rebellious streak by knotting their ties in outlandish fashions.

 I wonder what school the writer went to? This revelation is nothing new, and for years kids have been wearing school ties in any number of weird styles.

  At my school, the fashion was to tuck the fat end inside your shirt and just show the skinny length; often the tie would be pulled down barely visible, to your jumper neck. A few years earlier, when my sister was at school, the trend was the opposite and ties would be worn in a freakishly fat knot - with the tie often as wide as it was long. Uniforms weren't compulsory at sixth form, and my tie probably ended up in the clothes rag-bag along with the rest of my old school clobber. I now had a tie free time until I started work.

   My first 'job' was a YTS placement at John German chartered surveyors, where the senior partner bluntly told me to cut my hair and put on a tie if they were going to suffer my presence in the office (a bit rich - considering they were getting me for gratis). At my next office, open necked shirts were also taboo. If you forgot your tie, the senior draughtsman would lend you one of his spares. These were a selection of 1970s kippers garishly decorated with paisley swirls - and a surefire incentive to remember your tie!

  I don't where a tie to work now. If media presenters, (seen by millions on national TV), don't bother, why should I - working on an industrial estate? I must admit though, seeing a middle aged TV presenter, shirt askew, as if he's had a rough night on the razzle, isn't too inspiring.

 So the ties have been consigned to the wardrobe, only to venture out for weddings and interviews etc; and if I look hard enough, I'm sure I'll find a paisley number lurking at the back somewhere...

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