Tuesday 8 May 2012

A Gothic Evening - Part 1

A bit of a Blue Peter style post this week (here's one we did earlier). This is the first part to a story extract I posted a while back called A Gothic Evening. I'll repost the second part (without the opening blurb) to keep the story in sequence. Hope you enjoy.

 What do you wear to a Goth concert? That was the question I pondered as I stared forlornly into the wardrobe looking for suitable clobber. After some deliberation I decided upon a faded pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with the logo ‘Anthrax!’ across it. Goths wore make up and stuff didn’t they? I thought briefly about borrowing some of mum’s black eyeliner – and rapidly dropped the idea. Best not to give my sister too much ammo, she frequently muttered comments about bottle blond brothers with girly hair; too trendy my sister - what with her Erasure tapes and all that.  A knock at the door interrupted these musings. Before I answered, I made the finishing touch to my Goth rock look – a ‘Motorhead’ pendent in the shape of an iron cross. Not strictly Gothic – but who cares?

   At the front door were Matt and Ant, who, like me, were togged up in their ‘metal’ gear. Matt wore denims and a ripped ‘Metallica’ t-shirt, while Ant sported a tasselled leather jacket and a pair of black spandex trousers over his long legs - the image of a Liquorice Allsort sprang to mind. As he dramatically flicked his hair over his shoulder I caught the sickly whiff of petula oil. Yep, no doubt he’d been on a shopping spree at the ‘Oasis’ indoor market – he always did have more dosh than the rest of us.

‘Wahay!’ said Matt grinning, ‘let’s get going - we’re meeting Justin outside the Art Centre!’

   ‘Enjoy yourselves, girls!’ as we walked down the drive, my sister's voice called mockingly from her bedroom window.

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